Creating pages, waar ik met de springboard to summer contest mee doe, vroeg om inzendingen voor haar designteam. Ik vind de sfeer daar leuk, en dacht, ach, ik probeer het...
Je moest 2 layouts en een ander project insturen en een layout speciaal door de oproep maken en in de gallery plaatsen (met je favoriete manufacturer, techniek en product).
Moeilijk hoor om de layouts te kiezen.
** I submitted to a Design team call....
Creating pages, where I join in with the springboard to summer contest, asked for submittings for her Design team call. I like the feeling on the board there, and thought I should give it a try...
You had to send in 2 layouts and an other project and make a layout esspecially for the call and place it in the gallery.
Difficult to choose just 3 projects.
Deze heb ik uiteindelijk gekozen:
** This are the ones I finally choose:

En de layout die ik speciaal gemaakt heb, staat hier! (Weet niet of ik 'm op mijn blog mag zetten, dus maar even zo...)
Enne... duimen hé?
Op 3 maart wordt bekend gemaakt wie er in het design team komen.
** And the lo I specially made, is here! (Don't know if I can show it on my blog, so I'm doing it this way..)
Keep your fingers crossed for me!!
On March 3 there will be announced who will join the Design team.
Enne... duimen hé?
Op 3 maart wordt bekend gemaakt wie er in het design team komen.
** And the lo I specially made, is here! (Don't know if I can show it on my blog, so I'm doing it this way..)
Keep your fingers crossed for me!!
On March 3 there will be announced who will join the Design team.
My hubby and I went to Hawaii 15+ years ago and I am dying to go back. In fact we were supposed to go back for our 25th anniversary last year, but things being what they, that didn't happen! I am still bummed, but I thing this rak would help me put it in perspective, focus on those 15+ year old pix and try to get me to work on getting to Hawaii again.
Thanks for a great rak.