woensdag, augustus 24, 2011

An old love.....

Yesterday I decided that I want to breath new life in an old love.
I had to make it free from years of dust, before I could start, but when I had done that, it was so much fun!
My old guitar!!

When I was young I had several years lessons to learn to play the guitar. I learned to play classic music.
But that wasn't really what I wanted.... I wanted to play songs and sing with it, at the campfire etc.
My teacher couldn't teach me that...
I tried to learn it myself when I was just married, but I had a great problem with tuning.

A while ago a colleague told me that there are instruments now that help you tune, so I ordered that online. I hope it will come soon!
I also ordered a online course playing the guitar and I started today with lesson 1. My fingers are a bit sore now, but it is so much fun!
I already can play "Happy Birthday" a little bit...

Love, Miranda

4 opmerkingen:

Miranda zei

Oh wat leuk!!! Dat wil ik wel eens horen!!!

Dicky zei

Wat leuk. Ik ben zelf niet musical. Mijn zoon heeft voor de wi zo'n gitaar maar ik brouw er weinig van. Hij kan het wel heel goed en heeft vaak geroepen dat hij een echt gitaar wil. Groetjes Dicky

Judith zei

Wat leuk Miranda!!! OOk zoooo leuk voor in de klas!

Sherri zei

Good for you Miranda. We're never past the point of expanding our minds and learning something new.


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