woensdag, januari 30, 2013

You make me smile ~CSI #56

CSI has another challenge and this is my take on it:
This is this weeks challenge:
  • strings
  • something translucent (not transparent): I used a card and stitched it together to get an envelop. My tag met journaling is in it.
  • plain cardstock background

  • Tuck your journaling into/behind something translucent (e.g., vellum)
  • Write your journaling on a tag that has string.
  • Be inspired by these Rainy Day Journal Writing prompts. I used the first one: Things that make you smile.
 My journaling reads:
- birds in the backyard
- dear friends
- a compliment from a colleque
- positive comments on a layout
- a ray of sun between the clouds
- fond memories of good times and sweet people
- a child who calls me "the sweetest teacher"

And I's so happy, cause my layout for case #55 is featured again as Most wanted! Thanks CSI!

Love, Miranda

zondag, januari 27, 2013

Last photo

Op het Scrapbookforum werd deze week een layout geplaatst om te liften.
Dit is mijn resultaat:
Wat detailfoto's:

Love, Miranda

zaterdag, januari 26, 2013

Every day moments ~CSI #55

A layout for case #55 from CSI.
  • teacup accent
  • spoon accent
  • flowers
  • diamond shapes
  • circles
  • plain white background
  • Document a collection.
  • Write 6 interesting things about your topic.

  Journaling reads:
- This teaset is in the family as long is a remember.
- It's a Bredemeijer and they are made since 1900.
- It was used at special occasions. Normally the tea was poured directly in the cups.
- The sugar bowl and milk jar were also used with the coffee at parties etc.
- Later we used the set dad made in his factory.
- The tea set is now at my sister Regina.

Love, Miranda

woensdag, januari 16, 2013

Bo'tje ~Sketchabilities #83

 I made this layout for sketch #83 from Sketchabilities.
I flipped the sketch 90° and mirrored it.
Some details of my layout:

Love, Miranda

zondag, januari 13, 2013

Strong like a teabag? ~CSI #54

This time with a sketch!
At first I didn't know what to do with the testimony, but I choose for the quote:
A woman is like a tea bag-
 you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.”
 ~  Eleanor Roosevelt

  • punched circles
  • polka dots
  • text pattern
  • music pattern
  • mixed media background

  • Handwrite your journaling
  • Use this quote as inspiration: “A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water.” ~  Eleanor Roosevelt

Journaling (hidden in the filefolder behind the picture):
Strong? I often do not feel that strong. In this past year, where saying goodbeye stood central , I have shed so many tears. Tears of grief and loss, from losing your basic and being completely lost.Tears start flowing at the most unexpected moments. That does not feel as being strong .... 
But, as I look at myself with some more distance, I do see a lot of power. Strength to get up every day, to go back to work every time, for completing all matters regarding the estate.
For me it feels like just going on, because I just can't do otherwise? 

Strength also comes from the way they have raised me. Of course I want them to be proud of me! And yes, I think they are proud, if they look down on me from their own star.

Love, Miranda

zaterdag, januari 12, 2013

Fun in the snow

Cor, een broer van mijn vader, is zo lief geweest om alle dia's van mijn ouders in te scannen. Het is zo waardevol om al die foto's te hebben.
Dank je wel Cor!
Tussen die dia's zat ook deze foto van mijzelf op de sneeuw. Een winter lang geleden.

Toen ik de challenge op Hobbyworld.se zag, om een project te maken dat glittert met een winters thema,  wist ik dan ook meteen dat ik deze foto wilde gebruiken.
** Cor, a borther of my dad, was so sweet to scan all the slides my parents made. It's of so much value to have those pictures.
Thanks Cor!
Between the slides was a pic of me in the snow. Some winter long time ago.

When I saw the challenge at Hobbyworld.se to make a project that sparkles and glimmers with a winter theme, I immediatly know I wanted to use this pic.

De achtergrond heb ik bewerkt met distressinkt en gestempeld met een embossingmal. 
 ** For the background I worked with distress ink and I stamped with an embossingmal.

De sneeuwvlokken zijn bestrooid met glitter, net zoals de bloem en de vlinder.
** The snowflakes are sprinkled with glitter, just like the flower and the butterfly.

Love, Miranda

zondag, januari 06, 2013

Log your memories

Eind 2011 heb ik meegewerkt aan het logbook van Log your memories.
In de loop van 2012, nadat de layout op de blog geshowd was, mochten we die zelf ook laten zien. Maar ja... het is een raar jaar geweest...
Dus hier alsnog de layouts:

Love, Miranda

3 januari 2013

Another CSI challenge:
* flowers
* metal (under neath the purple flower)
* scallops
* fabric

* Be inspired by this site: Daydreaming on Paper: The first thing I thought when I opened my eyes this
   morning was....
* Add scallops to your journaling spot

The first thing I thought when I opened my eyes was: It's mom's birthday and she isn't here anymore!
It feels so unreal that we lost the both of you in 2012. Yesterday it was dad's date of death.
On your grave we've put purple roses. For always in our heart!

Love, Miranda

woensdag, januari 02, 2013

The gift of memories

Here's an other challenge from CSI:

And this is my take on it.
- wood/ woodgrain
- twine
- kraft paper
- newsprint paper
- tags

- Write your journaling on tags and tie it to something on your page with twine
- Handwrite your journaling
- Inspiration words: gift, favorite, remember

Journaling reads:
Behind each tear of sadness, there is a smile filled with memories.

After mom had gone, we needed to get the house empty. A job we look up to terribly.
Decide what you want to keep and what not.
To almost anything hangs a memoy. One thing I immediatly know that I want to have it: the piano.
The musicbox in which mom kept her jewellery.
As a kid that musicbox was my favorite.
When you open the lit, the dancer begins to turn around. We weren't allowed to wind it up, that was something mom did!
And so are there many memories to my childhood. Some attatched to a concrete object, others for always tied in my heart.
I'm so thankful for those gift of memories, all made in a positive environment.
Thanks mom en dad. I love you!

Love, Miranda


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